aa Paco

aa Paco

Date of birth: 09.07.2016

Breeder: Georg und Steffi Hörmann

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Belmondo de Chapi

Mother: Paloma de Huancallane

Amarillo de Oro

Amarillo de Oro

Date of birth: 15.07.2015

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Illawarra Deimos ET

Mother: Acoriana de Challuma

Amy de Oro

Amy de Oro

Date of birth: 12.04.2014

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Roberto de Oro

Mother: Alba de Humaquilca

Arina de Oro

Arina de Oro

Date of birth: 28.06.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Boriskov

Mother: Athalia

Artú de Oro

Artú de Oro

Date of birth: 30.04.2017

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Roy Lambada

Mother: Amy de Oro

AS Anevia

AS Anevia

Date of birth: 12.06.2016

Breeder: Herb Tamara

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: AP Gaspar S

Mother: Amata de Choraje

AS Maje

AS Maje

Date of birth: 25.06.2016

Breeder: Tamara Herb

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Leon de Culco

Mother: Miraja de Challuma

AWS Luzy

AWS Luzy

Date of birth: 05.09.2015

Breeder: G.V. Alpacas

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Viracocha Prophecy

Mother: UBR AWS Eartag 3



Date of birth: 05.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: ...

Mother: ...

Baldur de Oro

Baldur de Oro

Date of birth: 09.06.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Sergio

Mother: Bonita



Date of birth: 17.06.2016

Breeder: Hohenegger C.

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Paracas de Guacoyo

Mother: 211

Caitlin de Taipi-Uta

Caitlin de Taipi-Uta

Date of birth: 11.01.2011

Breeder: Chile Import 2014

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: unknown

Mother: unknown

Canchones Newport ET

Canchones Newport ET

Date of birth: 20.11.2007

Breeder: Steiger Rene

Type: Suri Alpaka

Father: Chanchones Impresario

Mother: Starline Yolande

Cargon de Oro

Cargon de Oro

Date of birth: 17.07.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Apollo de Oro

Mother: Caya

Carla de Vita

Carla de Vita

Date of birth: 09.02.2006

Breeder: Machali

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Salti

Mother: Carol

Carla vom Bibertal

Carla vom Bibertal

Date of birth: 20.07.2014

Breeder: Hohn Thomas

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: AHL Tru-Flash

Mother: Calinca vom Edelhof

Caruna de Oro

Caruna de Oro

Date of birth: 25.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Rapanui de Challuma

Mother: Caitlin de Taipi-Uta

Celicio de Oro

Celicio de Oro

Date of birth: 25.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Boriskov

Mother: Cara de Choraje

Challa de Oro

Challa de Oro

Date of birth: 29.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Highlander

Mother: Carla de Vita

Charles de Oro

Charles de Oro

Date of birth: 06.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: 327

Mother: 218

Chocco de Oro

Chocco de Oro

Date of birth: 13.05.2017

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Stoneleigh Casino Royale

Mother: Cocolate



Date of birth: 01.02.2010

Breeder: Chile Import

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: unknown

Mother: unknown

Chocolate I

Chocolate I

Date of birth: 13.03.2015

Breeder: M.V.

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Stoneleigh Casino Royale

Mother: Chocolate

Cleopatra de Oro

Cleopatra de Oro

Date of birth: 26.05.2017

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Stoneleigh Casino Royale

Mother: Cara de Choraje

Conambo de Oro

Conambo de Oro

Date of birth: 28.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Boriskov

Mother: Cesara de Guacoyo



Date of birth: 10.06.2016

Breeder: Hohenegger C.

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Paracas de Guacoyo

Mother: 301

Cora de MiGu

Cora de MiGu

Date of birth: 25.04.2015

Breeder: Oberversandthof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Rapanui de Challuma

Mother: Cava de Oro



Date of birth: 10.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: ...

Mother: ...

Dion de Oro

Dion de Oro

Date of birth: 08.05.2016


Type: Suri Alpaka

Father: Pucon de Camana

Mother: Dia de Culco

Dioni de Oro

Dioni de Oro

Date of birth: 28.03.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Highlander

Mother: Donata de Challuma

Fabio de Oro

Fabio de Oro

Date of birth: 01.06.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Sergio

Mother: Fina

Felix de Oro

Felix de Oro

Date of birth: 27.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Highlander

Mother: 612

Fienta de Oro

Fienta de Oro

Date of birth: 03.06.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Rapanui de Challuma

Mother: AS. Francine

G. V. Boriskov

G. V. Boriskov

Date of birth: 06.06.2006

Breeder: Jos & Marc Demetz

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G.V. Generale

Mother: Inca Legends Coca lola

G.V. Legend

G.V. Legend

Date of birth: 14.08.2015

Breeder: G.V. Alpacas

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Illawarra Deimos Et

Mother: G.V. Hypnotic Poison

G.V. Lion

G.V. Lion

Date of birth: 28.08.2015

Breeder: G.V. Alpacas

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Illawarra Deimos Et

Mother: G.V. Harriet´s Blessing

Gajus de Oro

Gajus de Oro

Date of birth: 14.07.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: AHL True Flash

Mother: HK Giulietta

Genil de Oro

Genil de Oro

Date of birth: 20.06.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Hiddenlake Moonshadow

Mother: Gaia de Humaquilca

GV Magicle

GV Magicle

Date of birth: 02.07.2016

Breeder: Gardena Valley Alpacas

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Illawarra Beethoven

Mother: Illawarra Icelenta

Heimo de Oro

Heimo de Oro

Date of birth: 12.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Stoneleigh Casino Royale

Mother: Horazia

Hook de Oro

Hook de Oro

Date of birth: 13.07.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Hidden Lake Moonshadow

Mother: Canchones Hologram - (S)TB



Date of birth: 26.08.2016

Breeder: Steiger Rene

Type: Suri Alpaka

Father: Canchones Newport ET

Mother: Poggio Tammy

Jaru de Oro

Jaru de Oro

Date of birth: 28.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Rapanui de Challuma

Mother: Jessica de Guacoyo

John de Oro

John de Oro

Date of birth: 21.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: 327

Mother: 87

Kaburi de Oro

Kaburi de Oro

Date of birth: 18.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Petrel de Challuma

Mother: Killa de Challuma

Kea de Oro

Kea de Oro

Date of birth: 05.05.2017

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Petrel de Challuma

Mother: Killa de Challuma

Lee de Oro

Lee de Oro

Date of birth: 26.05.2017

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Boriskov

Mother: Leyla de Oro

Linus vom Bibertal

Linus vom Bibertal

Date of birth: 28.07.2016

Breeder: Hohn Thomas

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: MMR Oscar

Mother: Limeta

Maicura de Oro

Maicura de Oro

Date of birth: 03.08.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Highlander

Mother: Murta de Taipi-Uta

Malenka de Guacoyo

Malenka de Guacoyo

Date of birth: 15.02.2008

Breeder: Chile Import 2010

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Chile Import

Mother: Chile Import

Maya vom Bibertal

Maya vom Bibertal

Date of birth: 03.08.2013

Breeder: Hohn Thomas

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: ...

Mother: ...

Mirko vom Bibertal

Mirko vom Bibertal

Date of birth: 02.07.2016

Breeder: Hohn Thomas

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: AHL Tru-Flash

Mother: Maya vom Bibertal



Date of birth: 10.07.2016

Breeder: ...

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: ...

Mother: ...

Mogli vom Bibertal

Mogli vom Bibertal

Date of birth: 02.09.2016

Breeder: Hohn Thomas

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: AHL Tru-Flash

Mother: AOG Mandala

Naja de Oro

Naja de Oro

Date of birth: 09.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Highlander

Mother: Niebla de Challuma

Nazarena de Oro

Nazarena de Oro

Date of birth: 01.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Highlander

Mother: Nori de C.

Negrita de Challuma

Negrita de Challuma

Date of birth: 21.03.2008

Breeder: Chile Import

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: unknown

Mother: unknown

Oscar de Oro

Oscar de Oro

Date of birth: 20.04.2017

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Stoneleigh Casino Royale

Mother: Sunray

Pablo vom Bibertal

Pablo vom Bibertal

Date of birth: 25.06.2016

Breeder: Thomas Hohn

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: AHL Tru-Flash

Mother: Pinga vom Bibertal

Peggio Pedro

Peggio Pedro

Date of birth: 10.11.2014

Breeder: Steiger Rene

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Poggio Peruvian Taruffi

Mother: Poggio Carmen

Pepito de Oro

Pepito de Oro

Date of birth: 15.09.2016

Breeder: A. Tschager

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Petrel de Challuma

Mother: AS Pelusa



Date of birth: 15.06.2016


Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Paracas de Guacoyo

Mother: Petra

Pina vom Bibertal

Pina vom Bibertal

Date of birth: 23.07.2016

Breeder: Thomas Hohn

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: MMR Oscar

Mother: Calinca Edelhof

Pipa vom Bibertal

Pipa vom Bibertal

Date of birth: 30.08.2016

Breeder: Thomas Hohn

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: AHL Tru-Flash

Mother: Paola vom Bibertal

Poggio Arturo

Poggio Arturo

Date of birth: 25.10.2012

Breeder: Steiger Rene

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Canchones Alchemy ET

Mother: Poggio Peruvian Lady

Poggio Chechi

Poggio Chechi

Date of birth: 01.02.2016

Breeder: Steiger Rene

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: ...

Mother: ...

Poggio Felice

Poggio Felice

Date of birth: 26.05.2015

Breeder: Steiger Rene

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Canchones Alchemy ET

Mother: Poggio Anouk

Poggio Mike

Poggio Mike

Date of birth: 30.11.2015

Breeder: Steiger Rene

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Poggio Tazio

Mother: ...

Poggio Musso

Poggio Musso

Date of birth: 25.06.2015

Breeder: Steiger Rene

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: ...

Mother: ...

Poggio Richie

Poggio Richie

Date of birth: 21.05.2015

Breeder: Steiger Rene

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Poggio Tazio

Mother: Poggio Peruvian Amalia



Date of birth: 10.06.2016


Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Paracas de Guacoyo

Mother: Paca de Vita

Remus de Oro

Remus de Oro

Date of birth: 31.07.2015

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Rapanui de Challuma

Mother: Ribera de Culco

Roy Archilla

Roy Archilla

Date of birth: 07.06.2013

Breeder: Simon Klinnk

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Coolaroo Mambo

Mother: Roy Klea

Salim de Oro

Salim de Oro

Date of birth: 05.06.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: AHL True Flash

Mother: 82



Date of birth: 11.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: ...

Mother: ...

Shaman de Oro

Shaman de Oro

Date of birth: 01.09.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: G. V. Boriskov

Mother: Sajama de Challuma

Sielo de Oro

Sielo de Oro

Date of birth: 28.08.2015

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Stoneleigh Casino Royale

Mother: Sensation

Solaia de Oro

Solaia de Oro

Date of birth: 28.08.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Rapanui de Challuma

Mother: AOS Sunray

Suquio de Oro

Suquio de Oro

Date of birth: 10.05.2016

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Deimos ET

Mother: Savada de Oro



Date of birth: 10.06.2015

Breeder: Josef Gamper

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: 144

Mother: 189

Vanilla de Oro

Vanilla de Oro

Date of birth: 29.04.2017

Breeder: Kaserhof

Type: Huacaya Alpaka

Father: Stoneleigh Casino Royale

Mother: Achilla

last Update: 29.11.2024 at 20:20
Gallo Rosso - Agriturismo in montagnaVacanze rilassanti sul RenonVacanze Alto Adige, Renon
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